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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

5 hacks to Grow Your Facebook Page Fans

 5 hacks to Grow Your Facebook Page Fans

Building Facebook fans and ‘Likes’ can be quite a challenge. Yet these fans are the core of your Facebook Page being successful. Let’s take a look at 5 hacks to grow your Facebook Page Fans.

Hack #1 Facebook Fan Page Fridays

On Facebook, there are some Pages that host what's called Fan Page Friday events. If you are participating in one of these events, you will be encouraged to visit the page on a specific date to introduce your business to everyone else that’s participating in the event and then you tag their page in the post. The idea here is that you will work through all the comments and ‘Like’ each of the participating pages who will in turn ‘Like’ your page. A word of to the wise, only participates in local events, because if you acquire tons of international fans, it could actually lower your EdgeRank score. Additionally, if others hide your news feed posts because they only wanted the ‘Like’ from you and aren’t interested in your business, this could hurt you. 

Hack #2 Use Signage

In the real world, when customers visit your brick and mortar business, you can create in-store signage for customer benefits, in the virtual world you can create signage that allows customers to ‘Like” your page using a text message. Your signage would look something like this. “Text Like" (insert Facebook Page name) "to 34587" (insert your text number). Make sure you test this on your cell phone first before you commit your budget to this. You can also develop signage that includes your social media icons.

Hack #3 Take Full Advantage of Public Events

Often overlooked, yet powerful tools that can be a great way to "spread the word". If you attend network meetings this is a great time to encourage members to ‘Like’ your Facebook Page and become fans. If you are doing public speaking be sure you include your Facebook Page URL in the slideshow, as it makes it easy for people to connect. 

Hack #4 Utilize Social Media

The use of multiple social media channels like LinkedIn, Google+ or Twitter is a great way to encourage people to visit your Facebook page. These channels are free marketing tools that you should be taking advantage of. In addition to direct posts, make sure that you occasionally cross post from one to the other. Twitter recently expanded its character limit so make full use of it. 

Hack #5 Encourage Check-Ins on Your Facebook Page

For anyone with a brick and mortar business, you should enable check-ins on your Facebook page, and then remind customers to check in when they are on your premises. You can even include an incentive like offering a discount. 

These 5 hacks work great to grow your Facebook Page fans.

To Your Success,
Christopher Gibson

P.S. I hope you find this information helpful. Thank you for reading. A Business doesn’t have to be complicated, expensive, or time-consuming. We can show you a better way. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

"Info-Loading" Will It Increase Your Ad's Pulling Power?

 "Info-Loading" Will It Increase  Your Ad's Pulling Power?

Info-Loading is a technique defined by over-populating an advertisement with information about the product or service. The thought is that if you give the customer more information than they could ever possibly need to know about the product/service, then they will feel confident enough about you and your offer to buy.

Additionally, any customers who actually take the time and make the effort to read through the material all the way to the end, are probably the ones who are interested enough to buy what you are offering.

The verdict is, it works!

There are many differing opinions on how to write a successful direct-response ad, letter or brochure. From all the varying camps, some say you need to be subtle, some say to be harsh, while others argue you should be round-about, and yet another camp says to be direct.

But out of all these schools of thought, there is one technique that is coming to the forefront as one of the most successful to employ. And that technique is Info-Loading.

This is what you do. Suppose you are thinking about running a quarter-page sized magazine display ad and instead of leaving a lot of empty white space, making it look lean & open or in place of setting an eye-catching photograph, you fill the entire space with text. Packing as much information into space as you can, while of course maintaining readability.

You don't want it to look like a grey blur when the reader's eyes scan over the ad area. It is also recommended that you put a bold, black box around the ad, a bold headline, and emphasize any important words and phrases with a bold print.

This works for a print ad mailing as well as a digital ad. Try putting together a three or four-page sales letter loaded with copy, then add a brochure/flyer that re-emphasizes the important points in even greater detail.

Remember these keys when using this technique:

  • First, don't be afraid to be judiciously repetitious. The objective here is to present as much information as you can.

  • Focus on BENEFITS instead of features.

  • Use emotional language. Try to draw upon as many emotional triggers as you can.

  • Build the VALUE. Using emotion and benefits in conjunction with expressing the value the prospect can expect to receive.
You may want to consider giving this technique (Info-Loading) a try. You could discover that, depending on your audience and what you're trying to sell, this info-loading strategy is a diamond-in-the-rough that will increase your sales and fill your bank account!

Please leave a comment below to let us know how we’re doing.

Feel free to leave any suggestions for future posts or content. Or ask any questions regarding anything you don’t understand or need help with, I would be happy to help in any way I can.

I hope you find this information helpful. Thank you for reading.

To Your Success,
Christopher Gibson

P.S. A Business doesn’t have to be complicated, expensive, or time-consuming. We can show you a better way. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Linking – How It Can Help Bring Targeted Traffic to Your Website

 Linking – How It Can Help Bring Targeted Traffic to Your Website

Suppose, you’ve paid to have your website developed for your online or offline business by the pros and now you need to start driving customers to your site. If you are like most business owners, regardless of whether you have a virtual business or a brick-and-mortar business, you undoubtedly depend on your website to play a role in generating income for your business. For this to happen, you need to have targeted traffic, making their way to your website.

One form that can make that happen is through linking. There are two kinds of links - reciprocal links and referral links, and both are critical for bringing more traffic to your site.

While this might seem to be a different form of marketing, the same basic marketing principles continue to apply. Whether it’s your offline business or online business the secret to landing clients is in the relationships you build and getting to know people who will learn to trust you. Once you have built that trust factor they are far more likely to become your loyal customers.

Reciprocal links are the exchange of links between websites. Reciprocal links can play a limited role in bringing targeted traffic to your website, but the referral links really hold the power. Let's look at an example of how they work, Site A places your link on their site and you place Site A’s link on your site. These can definitely hold some relevance in the search engines, especially when they industry relevant. That means they can help you do better in the search engines.

Even more relevant, you are likely to get visitors that visited the other site as they find their way to your site through the link. It’s a good form of advertising that has already built-into it targeted traffic because the link clicked was on a related site. According to a recent survey, more than 50 percent of Internet surfers have visited websites using a referral link.

Referral links are links sent to you usually by someone you know personally or through the internet like from social media websites and can also be very useful. They can also be a link on another website that doesn't require you to exchange a link for and these can most certainly help to bring targeted traffic to your site. These are the kind of referral links we are focusing on in this post. Here, another site will place your link on their site. This is a one-way link and so the search engines really like this and it can help you place much better in the search engines.

Additionally, these relevant, referral links can do a great job of driving targeted traffic to your website. Some companies pay for clicks (aka PPC) on referral links that are on another website. You might look at using such a program for your business.

Both reciprocal and referral links play a vital role in helping to bring targeted traffic to your site which should mean bring customers to your online or offline business.

Please leave a comment below to let us know how we’re doing.

Feel free to leave any suggestions for future posts or content. Or ask any questions regarding anything you don’t understand or need help with, I would be happy to help in any way I can.

I hope you find this information helpful. Thank you for reading.

To Your Success,
Christopher Gibson

P.S. A Business doesn’t have to be complicated, expensive, or time-consuming. We can show you a better way. CLICK HERE TO SEE HOW.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Controlling The Mind Through Guided Relaxation

 Controlling The Mind Through Guided Relaxation

Controlling the mind, first requires that you learn to manage your stress. Once you learn to manage your stress you will feel good about who you are. Are you visiting the doctor frequently? Feeling ill most times? Daily you may wander the earth wondering what is your purpose, as you feel hopeless. Stress can weigh you down heavy. However, you have the ability within you to take control and stop that stress right in its tracks. Ultimately, you can allow stress to take control of your life or you can take control of your stress. If not controlled, you will likely need mental counseling, in time, to get a handle on your stress and the damage it can cause on your mental status.

How To Manage Your Stress:

There are numerous ways to manage stress. Take a deep breath. Slow down and "smell the roses" (so to speak). Take a close look inside your mind. Study your life. Do you see demands bearing down on you more than you feel you can handle? If so, do you see ways to ease or remove some of those burdens? Are there resources that can guide you to relaxation by helping you release those demands? Once you have reviewed those demands on you, how's your attitude? Do you have a positive or negative attitude? Can you adjust a negative attitude so that it is more positive? There is scientific proof that positive attitudes make winning people. Are there negative influences in your life? Are you around people who bring you down? If so, can you separate these people from your life and replace them with positive influences?

Now let's look at how stress affects your health. How does stress affect your mental well-being? Next, decide if you need this stress? Do you feel stressed to the point your health and mental status is constantly diminishing? Next, determine if you eat healthy meals? Do you go on junk food binges? If you eat healthily, you should have no problem managing stress. If you go on binges, you need to find ways to control your habits so that you can guide yourself to relaxation.

How Writing Helps You Relax:

One, among your many, resources to relax is writing. Writing is the ultimate tool that can guide you to relaxation. You can write about your feelings, or you can write your autobiography, or you can write fiction works. Whatever you choose, it will help you relax. Who knows, you may even write a best seller.

Writing is a great conduit to guided relaxation when you write to express emotions, which might include anger, fear, joy, concern, and so on. Reread what you write so that you can discover "the you" and what makes you feel stressed.

What You Can Control:

You can control "you". You have the power within you to find what makes you relax. If you cannot discover your powers within, check out resources online to give you new ideas. Look for books, tapes, audios, CDs, videos, as-well-as wallpapers, screensavers, sound effects, and so on, that might help you relax.

Dealing With The Problems:

How you deal with problems is totally up to you. If you have developed good coping mechanisms, then dealing with stress should not be an issue for you. On the other hand, if your coping skills are lacking, you may want to find some learning guides to train your coping mechanisms to work for you. Sometimes you will have to turn to outside sources to build your coping mechanisms. Online you will find lights that help you relax the mind. Use soft lights rather than brilliant lights. The colorful lights often give you a feeling of romance or relaxation. You can find pink rose, black lights, green lights, red lights, and more online.

Finding what works for you is the key, so don't be discouraged if it takes several tries before you discover your answer. Good luck.

Be Well My Friends,
Christopher Gibson

P.S. Getting healthy and supporting our members is what we're all about here, get all the information HERE if you would like to be a part of our special community.