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Thursday, December 7, 2017

3 Simple Rules

3 Simple Rules

I've noticed over many years in business just how difficult most people will try to make the whole process of starting and running a business. So I thought I'd put together some material I have found helpful in my experience to pass along to anyone interested in optimizing their success.

As an engineer, inventor, and designer I work professionally by three simple rules, they are as follows:

  1. Rule number one is the KISS principle – And for all those of you who aren't familiar with this, this is an acronym meaning Keep It Simple Simon”; in other words don't make something any more complicated then it needs to be. Don't over complicate things, especially just to try to make yourself appear smarter. This is a rule that is continually violated by engineers and scientists on a regular basis. I guess they figure the fewer people that understand them, the smarter everybody will think they are. But what it really means is that they can more easily fool a greater number of people into thinking that they are smarter than they actually are. A true engineer (or scientist for that matter) should be able to and even strive to take the complicated and make it or define it in the simplest of terms so as to enable the largest number of people to understand and appreciate it. That's the real proof of intelligence.
  2. Rule number two is – If it isn't broken, don't fix it – so if something is working; don't mess with it until it stops working - then fix it. I think that this concept is pretty straightforward so I won't elaborate on this topic any further.
  3. Rule number three is – Don't try to always reinvent the wheel – this rule is also very simplistic, you don't have to redesign something that has worked in the past. If a device or system that is proven to work already exists then you should use or incorporate that proven device or system in your build and/or design, don't start from scratch and waste energy doing something that has already been done, that's just plain stupid in my opinion. However we see this rule also violated daily by engineers especially, but we really see this in all facets of society, from the Banking & Finance to Technology, you name it, just pick an industry and you will find example after example of this.

The reason I'm talking about this is that these 3 principles can apply to much more than just engineering, scientific research, or design/build. These concepts can equally apply to your business and your mindset. Instead of trying to reinvent business, wouldn't it make more sense to follow a proven method or system that is shown to be consistently successful? And once involved in such a system doesn't make sense to follow that system step-by-step to achieve success (rule number two)? Isn't that keeping it as simple as it gets; as rule number one states?

To Your Success,
Christopher Gibson

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