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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Becoming A Healthy Eater

Becoming A Healthy Eater

This article may seem out of place in the context of a business and marketing blog, but the truth is its very hard to be your best at work when you're not your best physically, mentally, and spiritually. And let's face it, many of the traits of successful people are ubiquitous across their life. What I mean by this is that successful people exercise the same vigour in the personal endeavours as they practice in their business. So with that being said, I think that this type of article is not out of place here and from time to time I do post important information like this here because I believe strongly that to be successful it takes the whole person being of sound mind, body, and spirit.

Taking control of one's health requires the proper mindset and a considerable amount of self-discipline. For example, consider that when one is unable to assume control of their eating, they are just as likely to be unable to control other aspects of their life as well. They may overspend and be in debt, or perhaps they talk too much, or maybe they can't manage their time very well – going to bed late, consequently waking late, often being late for work or other important appointments.

These can all be indicative of an improper mindset and/or a lack of self-discipline. Therefore, if you are aware that you may follow one or more of these types of behaviours, you may want to focus on improving your self-discipline or working on your mindset. This article may be of some help. But even under these conditions, all is not lost, becoming a healthy eater is still well within reach.

Healthy eaters are always aware of what they eat and know how their bodies will be affected by it. Being a healthy eater means being a good problem solver too. They've learned to take care of themselves and use sound judgment to make wise decisions in their eating habits, but isn't that the basis of any aspect of human behavior?

For many of us, especially at this time of year when traditionally we start to think about our plans for the coming new year, one of the most popular New Year's resolutions we make is to exercise more or become healthier. A big part of a healthy lifestyle is proper diet.

Healthy eating is actually the foundation of a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle. But being a healthy eater requires becoming both educated and smart about what healthy eating actually is. And being food smart isn't necessarily about learning how to calculate the grams of fat, or protein in your diet, or about studying labels and counting calories. It's really more about learning consistency, balance, and moderation.

If healthy eating is the foundation for a healthy lifestyle, then consistency, balance, and moderation are the cornerstones of that healthy eating foundation. That foundation of healthy eating consists of healthy meals at least three times per day.

Healthy eaters consume a multitude of different types of foods, not limiting themselves to one specific food type or food group – with this one qualifying factor – the food must be as close to natural as possible, in other words, the less processed the food – the more natural it is, also the fewer the number of ingredients listed on the label – the more natural the food.

One key component of eating healthy is flexibility. Flexibility in both your timing of meals as-well-as the variety & composition of those meals. By adding variety to your diet you ensure that you can maintain your enthusiasm for healthy eating and you ingest the highest number of vitamins & nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy.

Timing is important because if you do not feed your body often enough, it triggers your survival hormones, which will cause your body to store fat instead of burning it for fuel, not the condition you want if you are looking to control your weight, right? The bottom line here is that you must eat to be healthy, whether you eat too much or not enough, consume foods that are sometimes more or less nutritious, it doesn't matter, you should always fuel your body and your brain regularly with enough food to keep both your mind and body strong and alert.

You must never forget that restricting food in any way will always affect your body in a negative way. Healthy eating is a mindset, a way of life, something that you do to enhance both your body and your lifestyle. If you wish to make your life better, then healthy eating is a great place to start. Making the choice to live a healthier life is one that benefits not just you, but those around you as well, especially your family.

Please leave a comment below to let us know how we're doing.

Feel free to leave any suggestions for future posts or content. Or ask any questions regarding anything you don't understand or need help with, I would be happy to help in any way I can.

Christopher Gibson

P.S. Healthy aging requires strength. Strength of mind and body. Yet it’s not always possible to get all the vitamins and nutrients that our minds & bodies need for proper functioning and optimum performance from the food we consume. It’s Vital to ensure that you get your complete nutritional requirements every day.

P.S.S. Getting healthy and supporting our members is what we're all about here, get all the information HERE if you would like to be a part of our special community.

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