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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

"Info-Loading" Will It Increase Your Ad's Pulling Power?

 "Info-Loading" Will It Increase  Your Ad's Pulling Power?

Info-Loading is a technique defined by over-populating an advertisement with information about the product or service. The thought is that if you give the customer more information than they could ever possibly need to know about the product/service, then they will feel confident enough about you and your offer to buy.

Additionally, any customers who actually take the time and make the effort to read through the material all the way to the end, are probably the ones who are interested enough to buy what you are offering.

The verdict is, it works!

There are many differing opinions on how to write a successful direct-response ad, letter or brochure. From all the varying camps, some say you need to be subtle, some say to be harsh, while others argue you should be round-about, and yet another camp says to be direct.

But out of all these schools of thought, there is one technique that is coming to the forefront as one of the most successful to employ. And that technique is Info-Loading.

This is what you do. Suppose you are thinking about running a quarter-page sized magazine display ad and instead of leaving a lot of empty white space, making it look lean & open or in place of setting an eye-catching photograph, you fill the entire space with text. Packing as much information into space as you can, while of course maintaining readability.

You don't want it to look like a grey blur when the reader's eyes scan over the ad area. It is also recommended that you put a bold, black box around the ad, a bold headline, and emphasize any important words and phrases with a bold print.

This works for a print ad mailing as well as a digital ad. Try putting together a three or four-page sales letter loaded with copy, then add a brochure/flyer that re-emphasizes the important points in even greater detail.

Remember these keys when using this technique:

  • First, don't be afraid to be judiciously repetitious. The objective here is to present as much information as you can.

  • Focus on BENEFITS instead of features.

  • Use emotional language. Try to draw upon as many emotional triggers as you can.

  • Build the VALUE. Using emotion and benefits in conjunction with expressing the value the prospect can expect to receive.
You may want to consider giving this technique (Info-Loading) a try. You could discover that, depending on your audience and what you're trying to sell, this info-loading strategy is a diamond-in-the-rough that will increase your sales and fill your bank account!

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I hope you find this information helpful. Thank you for reading.

To Your Success,
Christopher Gibson

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